Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

University Assessment and Accreditation

HSC is dedicated to fostering a culture of assessment, continuous quality improvement, and evidence-based decision support. The Office of University Assessment and Accreditation (UAA) supports this mission by providing integrated expertise in outcomes assessment, accreditation, and planning and decision support.

We assess to provide evidence of resources, implementation actions, and outcomes, to improve teaching, learning, co-curricular programs, and services in higher education (Banta & Palomba, 2014).

Assessment in higher education has come to be used as an overarching term to include all activities designed for quality improvement, including student learning assessment, and institutional and administrative effectiveness. Assessment is the measuring, keeping, and utilizing of collected data as evidence of quality measures. If deficiencies are identified, such data can be used to make evidence-based changes. The purpose of assessment is two-fold: it improves student outcomes and enhances the work done at the university.

The goal of accreditation is to ensure that HSC meets appropriate levels of continuous quality improvement that range from student outcomes to faculty qualifications. In order for students to receive Federal Student Aid or scholarships from the U.S. Department of Education for postsecondary study, a national or institutional accreditor must accredit the institution. UAA leads HSC in ensuring compliance with accreditation requirements. This is achieved through assisting the institution, schools/colleges, and various other administrative units with their accreditation needs.

Planning and Decision Support (PDS) supports student success by providing systematic and meaningful information and analysis to support evidence-driven planning, policy formation, decision-making, and assessment at HSC. Through a collaborative process, PDS leads and directs the design, prioritization, and implementation of activities to promote effectiveness through four primary areas: federal, state, and institutional reports; data collection, analysis, and interpretation; institutional surveys; and strategic project support. Institutional data is available in the HSC Viewbook and through the Institutional Data Request Form, both of which may be accessed at http://www.unthsc.edu/uaa.  

For more information about Assessment, Accreditation, and Planning & Decision Support, contact UAA@unthsc.edu or visit http://www.unthsc.edu/uaa.

View more information on HSC’s Accredidation, Dates, and Contact Information here.