Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Admission Requirements & Procedures


Admission Requirements

E-mail: admissions@unthsc.edu

Phone: 817-735-2003

Website: https://www.unthsc.edu/college-of-pharmacy/about-us/admissions-information

Physical Location:

Student Services Center
1051 Haskell Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107

Admission into the Health Science Center College of Pharmacy (HSCCP) is selective.

To be admitted to the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program, an applicant must have participated in the competitive admissions process and must have completed the required coursework outlined below. The minimum overall prerequisite grade point average (GPA) required for consideration for admission is 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. All enrolled students must meet the program’s minimum Health and Technical Standards to participate in the program.

The minimum Math and Science prerequisite coursework requirements cannot be waived and must be completed or be in progress by the posted admissions deadline(s) from regionally-accredited U.S. colleges or universities. Prerequisite coursework must be satisfied with a grade of “C” or higher (2.0 on a 4.0 scale). A single course cannot be used simultaneously to meet more than one course prerequisite. All coursework completed by the applicant will be considered in the admissions process.

Qualified applicants will be provisionally admitted to HSCCP pending submission of a satisfactory completion of prerequisites and a criminal background check, which is administered by a private company and is coordinated by Student Services. Any provisionally admitted applicant who has been convicted of, or pled guilty to, a felony offense will not be admitted to HSCCP, since he/she would not be eligible to rotate in community and hospital pharmacies as a pharmacy student. In addition to the criminal background check, students will also have a urine drug screen and an employment verification done prior to matriculation and on a yearly basis thereafter. 

Course Prerequisites

General Biology (At least 6 credits of coursework and 2 credits of laboratory coursework). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable toward the prerequisite requirements.  8
Microbiology (At least 3 credits of coursework and 1 credit of laboratory coursework).   4

Human Anatomy & Physiology 1

(At least 3 credits of coursework and 1 credit of laboratory coursework). Functional anatomy and physiology of the human body including biological chemistry, cell morphology, membrane and tissue physiology, musculoskeletal system, and the nervous system. (A stand-alone Anatomy course will be accepted; however, a stand-alone Physiology course will NOT be accepted.)  4
Genetics (At least 3 credits toward coursework). Must be a course that applies toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable toward the prerequisite requirements. Students are allowed to take Molecular Biology or Biochemistry in place of Genetics.  3
 General or Inorganic Chemistry (At least 6 credits of coursework and 2 credits of laboratory coursework). Must be General Chemistry courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable toward the prerequisite.  8
Organic Chemistry (At least 6 credits of coursework and 2 credits of laboratory coursework). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Organic Chemistry courses must have “Organic” in the course title. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable toward the prerequisite requirements.  8
Physics (At least 3 credits of coursework and 1 credit of laboratory coursework). Must be courses that apply toward a baccalaureate degree in any traditional science field. Courses for non-science majors or nursing majors are not acceptable toward the prerequisite requirements.  4
Calculus I 3 credits of Calculus are required. Pre-calculus may not be substituted for this requirement.  3
Statistics One 3-credit course in statistics is required.  3
English Composition* (see below) Two 3-credit courses that fulfill the general English requirement of a baccalaureate degree. Remedial or “English as a second language” courses are not acceptable.  6
English Literature One sophomore 3-credit course that fulfills the literature requirement of a baccalaureate degree.  3
U.S. History Two 3-credit courses that fulfill the history requirement of a baccalaureate degree.  6
U.S. Government One 3-credit hour course in U.S. government.  3
Fine Arts & Humanities One 3-credit course that may be counted as an elective requirement in the fine arts and humanities for a baccalaureate degree.  3
Social & Behavioral Sciences One 3-credit course that may be counted as an elective requirement in social and behavioral sciences for a baccalaureate degree. Example: Economics  3
Speech/Public Speaking One 3-credit course in which public speaking is a major component of the course.  3
  Required Credits


*English Composition

Two 3-credit courses that fulfill the general English requirement of a baccalaureate degree. Remedial or “English as a second language” courses are not acceptable.  Will also accept these UNT courses (with UNT course numbers next to them) or equivalents at other universities: English I: Honors First-Year Writing I (ENGL1311); Writing about Literature I (ENGL 1315); Academic Grammar and Writing for International Students (LING 1312); and Introduction to Professional, Science, and Technical Writing (TECM 1700).  English II: Honors First-Year Writing II (ENGL1321); Writing about Literature II (ENGL 1325); Academic Grammar and Writing for International Students (LING 1322); and Introduction to Professional, Science, and Technical Writing (TECM 2700).

Admissions Procedures


Applicants are required to submit their applications for admission to the Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS) online at www.pharmcas.org. Applications must be submitted by the posted date. To be considered for admission, applicants must meet the minimum academic requirements. Applicants may be U.S. citizens, U.S. permanent residents, or foreign nationals. Official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended must be submitted to PharmCAS. Two letters of recommendation are required and should be written by individuals who are familiar with the applicant’s suitability for pharmacy school, such as a faculty member, advisor, or a pharmacist supervisor. Letters from family members or friends will not be accepted. All letters of recommendation must be submitted to PharmCAS using the PharmCAS-required format. All applicants must submit a $50 Application Processing Fee to UNTHSC Admissions.

Foreign Transcripts

Applicants from foreign countries must provide additional information in their PharmCAS applications. An official WES International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) for each international transcript (native language and certified English translation) describing all academic programs attempted must be submitted. Syllabi and catalog course descriptions for the specific courses that applicants plan to use to meet prerequisite requirements are uploaded to the Program Materials section of PharmCAS. A course-by-course evaluation performed by World Education Services must also be uploaded to PharmCAS. Proficiency in English is required. An official TOEFL score report indicating a minimum of 650 paper-based/280 computer-based/114 internet-based is required. Scores are submitted to PharmCAS. Students (excluding F-1/J-1 students) who have completed at least 74 semester credit hours at an accredited United States university or college will not be required to submit passing TOEFL scores.  



Selected applicants will be invited for an interview. In addition to interviewing, applicants will have an opportunity to meet with a member of the HSCCP leadership team, student ambassadors, and tour the campus when in-person activities allow. Applicants will also take a calculations assessment, provide a writing sample, and take an empathy questionnaire.

Selection Factors

The PharmD Admissions Committee seeks applicants who are academically qualified to progress through the curriculum and who show promise of becoming skilled pharmacy professionals. Although an applicant’s entire academic record is considered, this alone does not ensure acceptance. Evidence of personal integrity, maturity, creativity, motivation, dedication, and the ability to work with others are additional factors that will be considered. These qualities and attitudes are evaluated by several means, including letters of reference, the scope and nature of extracurricular activities (including work and volunteer experience), the scope and breadth of prior education, and through the interview process. Ability to communicate effectively, both in verbal and written format, will be considered from the personal statement, interview, and onsite handwritten writing sample. Empathy assessment and calculations skills may also be measured. Motivation to become a pharmacist and prior pharmacy experience will also be considered. 

Committee Evaluation of Applicants

After the interview, applicants are assigned to a Faculty Review Team. After the Faculty Review Team meets and makes recommendations, the Faculty Admissions Committee reviews their recommendations. The Admissions Committee votes to accept, reject, or place applicants on the HOLD or WAIT list. Admissions Committee members make the final decision on who will receive admissions offers or denials.

The following variables are assessed when an applicant is scored:

Admission Criteria for PharmD Applicants (not an exhaustive list)
Cognitive Attributes Academic performance as an undergraduate student and academic performance as a graduate student
Non-Cognitive Attributes Interview scores; geographic diversity; socioeconomic background; commitment to pharmacy; exposure to pharmacy; first generation college student; letters of evaluation; contribution to the diversity of the class *

*Contribution to the diversity of the class includes unique personal life experience(s), including but not limited to experience abroad, overcoming adversities and hardships, community service, or previous career experience that will enhance the educational environment of HSCCP.

Admissions Notification Process

Students will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis during the admissions cycle. Additional students will be accepted according to rank order by HSCCP Admissions Committee. If necessary, students will be accepted through orientation week, approximately the second week of August.

Admission in Advanced Standing (Transfer)

Students enrolled in Colleges or Schools of Pharmacy accredited by the Accreditation Council on Pharmacy education may apply for advanced standing in HSCCP. Candidates must have valid reasons for transfer, be in good academic and conduct standing in their home institution, meet all requirements of admission into HSCCP, and be eligible for continuation in their current program. Admission is competitive and depends upon availability of space in the professional year of placement.


  • A transfer application that is available on the HSC website must be completed and submitted to the Senior Associate Dean.
  • A letter of academic standing from the Dean or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs at the candidate’s home institution must be submitted to the Senior Associate Dean.
  • Official transcripts from all U.S. colleges and universities and all colleges or schools of pharmacy must be submitted.
  • Complete transfer application by the posted deadline.
  • Interview

Selection for Admission as a Transfer Student

Candidates will be interviewed at the HSC campus at Fort Worth. The Admissions Committee will consider an applicant for admission if he/she has completed all requirements, has been interviewed and reviewed by the Review Team and Admissions Committee.

Upon a transfer applicant’s acceptance of an offer, the Senior Associate Dean, in consultation with HSCCP course directors, will review the students’ transcripts and available curricular materials to determine equivalence and will then determine the professional year in the PharmD program in which the candidates will be placed.

Doctor of Pharmacy Program Details:

More details regarding the Doctor of Pharmacy program and curriculum can be found on the PharmD home page .