Mar 12, 2025  
2017-2018 Catalog 
2017-2018 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Health Administration, MHA

The Master of Health Administration program is designed to prepare students for effective organizational management based on competencies and evidence based practices needed to become exceptional managers and leaders. The program is also committed to the improvement of health services through health services research and community engagement within complex health related organizations. The 60 credit hour program is designed for aspiring and committed professionals who are interested in careers in health services administration in such settings as hospitals; managed care organizations; medical group practices; ambulatory, long-term care, insurance and pharmaceutical companies; consulting firms; government agencies; for-profit and nonprofit sector organizations.

The curriculum is guided by the NCHL Health Leadership Competency Model which addresses the complexity and dynamic qualities of the health leader’s role and reflects the realities in health leadership today. Through an internship and a final integrative experience, students are expected to incorporate, synthesize, and apply their knowledge within both an operational and a community context. The result is an organizational perspective that encourages students to integrate knowledge from a range of management disciplines while emphasizing accountability for effective performance.

By the conclusion of the MHA program, students will be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills in:

  • Accountability
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Communication Skills
  • Financial Skills
  • Impact & Influence
  • Information Technology Management
  • Introductory Public Health Knowledge and Concepts
  • Performance Measurement
  • Process Management & Organizational Design
  • Project Management
  • Human Resource Management
  • Change Leadership
  • Strategic Orientation
  • Organizational Awareness
  • Analytical thinking
  • Information Seeking
  • Initiative
  • Professionalism
  • Self Confidence

All students pursuing a MHA degree at the UNTHSC SPH are required to complete a professional internship prior to graduation. The MHA internship program is managed under the direction of the MHA Program Director in cooperation with program faculty, students and preceptors in the field.

Each student in the UNTHSC-SPH MHA Program is required to complete a 500 contact hour, 12-13-week, full-time internship in an approved health services organization under the guidance of a qualified preceptor. The purpose of this internship is to provide the student with a “real world” experience against which to compare the concepts and models learned in the classroom; enable an appreciation of the complexity of organizations and the individuals that comprise them; and to provide insights for further development of skills and knowledge during the student’s remaining time in the program.

The MHA internship experience is intended to provide students with “hands on” training in health care administration. The final decision regarding which type of internship would be most appropriate for individual students is made by the MHA Program Director in consultation with each student’s faculty advisor.

All internships are designed to enable students to accomplish the following objectives:

  • To observe and understand the leadership and managerial style of the preceptor;
  • To understand the overall design and interrelationships of the individual parts of the organization’s structure;
  • To contribute to the “real output” of the organization by participating in relevant projects;
  • To practice serving as a “real healthcare manager” within the organization; and
  • To understand the internal and external environment in which the organization functions.

Additional information can be found on the MHA Internship website.

MHA Academic Procedures

Each student is responsible for the completion of the MHA program according to the procedures that follow. Each item must be completed in the sequence and time period indicated. Forms are subject to revision at any time and should be obtained from the SPH Office of Academic Services. Students may e-mail the Office of Academic Services at with questions, concerns or clarification on any of the following procedures.

  1. Upon acceptance to SPH, an advisor is assigned from the Department of Health Management Policy.
  2. Students are strongly encouraged to follow the cohort curriculum plan to ensure the most appropriate sequence of courses and the availability of classes.
  3. Students must complete a full-time, 12-13 week internship, which requires 500 contact hours. Students are eligible to enroll for the Master of Health Administration Internship after the completion of a minimum of 27 required SCH, and other requirements as assigned by Program Director. Students must confer with the MHA Program Director prior to registration. For details regarding the internship, review the MHA Internship Manual on the SPH website.
  4. All MHA students must complete the MHA Capstone course. The capstone is designed to allow students the opportunity to apply methods and techniques learned in the MHA program to a practical health administration problem. This course is designed to partially meet the culminating experience requirement for students in the MHA program.

Approved Electives

For a list of approved electives visit the MHA website.

Through an approved partnership with the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) SPH, MHA students may take elective courses at the Texas Christian University (TCU) Neely School of Business and the UNT Denton College of Business.