Sep 07, 2024  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Division of Student & Academic Affairs

The Division of Student and Academic Affairs is a full institutional partner dedicated to creating solutions for a healthier community by fostering student success. The division supports co-curricular and extracurricular programming, activities, and services to facilitate students’ academic training, professional growth, and personal development. Additionally, the division supports students’ needs, creating an atmosphere that stimulates learning, and integrates extracurricular experiences into the formal educational programs.

The Vice Provost of Student and Academic Affairs provides the leadership and oversight for all the staff and offices within the Division of Student and Academic Affairs. Additionally, staff members encourage student participation in and contribution to all HSC programs. The Vice Provost establishes and coordinates the system of student civility, interprets institutional regulations as related to students, and acts as a student advocate when appropriate. The Division of Student and Academic Affairs is dedicated to fostering student success.

Through its administrative office and the offices of the Center for Academic Performance (CAP), Office of Disability Access, Financial Aid, Registrar and Student Records, Testing and Evaluation Services, Center for Student Life, Office of Care and Civility, Student Assistance Resource Center, International Services, and the Career Readiness Center the following goals are defined in support of the Health Science Center’s educational mission:

  • Facilitating a values-based culture
  • Fostering student success
  • Promoting exceptional customer service
  • Engaging the community

Personal, academic, and career counseling is available to students through the Division of Student and Academic Affairs. Professional counseling for students and their families is available through the Student Support Program (SSP).

In emergency situations, such as sudden illness or a death in the family, special assistance can be provided for notification of professors, medical withdrawal, etc. The office provides policy interpretation and rights adjustment upon request, handles disciplinary and social adjustment issues, and provides self-development opportunities and enrichment activities.


For more information about the Division of Student and Academic Affairs, please visit the website at or contact the Division of Student and Acdemic Affairs at 817-735-2505.

Financial Aid Office

The Financial Aid Office offers scholarship, grant, and loan programs to assist students in meeting the costs of financing their education. Although financial aid is available for eligible students, it should be considered supplemental to a student’s own financial resources. The Financial Aid Office is dedicated to quality customer service and the prompt delivery of aid program funds. Counselors are available to assist students in the application process to ensure that students receive the information needed to make the best decisions regarding their financial aid options. Counselors are also available to help students make sound financial decisions by providing budget/debt management resources. While financial aid is subject to strict federal and state regulations, the staff strives to help students navigate this complex plan in a professional and courteous manner.

For more information about these services, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 817-735-2626, or (800)-346-8266, or visit the website at

Registrar and Student Records Office

The Registrar and Student Records Office manages and maintains the students’ academic records. They are responsible for ensuring the integrity, security, and confidentiality of academic records. These services include transcript generation, grade processing, degree certification, the enrollment and registration process of all students, as well as the verification of enrollment, academic standing, and degree completion. The office coordinates reports for internal and external compliance, oversees functions related to Veteran’s Education Benefits, assists in commencement planning, prepares data for state/federal enrollment and audit reports, coordinates compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and provides data to support the institution’s tactical initiatives.

The office can be reached at 817-735-2201. All Registrar-related forms can be obtained by visiting

Changes to personal and demographic information will result in updates to your student record throughout the UNT system.

Office of Testing and Evaluation Services (TES)

The Office of Testing and Evaluation Services (TES) supports student and curricular assessment needs using innovative tools that effectively measure student knowledge and give students a voice to enhance the quality of their education.  TES provides a range of services to HSC students, faculty, staff, and administrators. TES collaborates with academic programs to create and administer student assessments, manages and facilitates computer-based testing, processes and reports a wide variety of student assessment results, and consults with faculty on the development of student assessment methods.  TES also manages secure item-banks, facilitates the categorization of assessment content, and maintains course grade books on behalf of course faculty. TES monitors the effectiveness of didactic courses through student evaluations, which includes collecting student evaluative feedback and analyzing/reporting evaluation results to stakeholders. Additionally, TES supports the administration of a number of student assessments from external national boards and facilitates various data collection and survey activities through the design and processing of online surveys. 

TES can be reached by email at or visit the website at

Center for Academic Performance (CAP)

The Center for Academic Performance (CAP) is committed to helping all HSC students meet their personal and academic goals by providing comprehensive academic support programs. CAP services and programs are designed to enhance all levels of academic performance through academic consultations, learning strategies, and self-management. Academic counseling, learning and study strategy assessments, writing support, peer tutoring, and a variety of workshops are offered to all HSC students. CAP staff also work with faculty to support students in periods of academic difficulty through assistance with planning alternate programs and reassessment of student priorities. All academic support services offered through CAP are available to online students.

Learning Strategies - Each student needs to find the most effective learning strategy for their personal needs and academic program. The CAP staff can help students find and implement their best strategy through assessment, counseling, and academic support workshops.

Peer Tutoring Programs - Tutoring programs provide the opportunity to share strategies for organizing and learning the large volume of material required to succeed in graduate and professional schools. The following tutoring options are provided: limited individual tutoring, small group tutoring, large group tutorials, drop-in, and online sessions.

Writing Support - Students may receive feedback online and in-person regarding writing samples. Feedback consists of information about content as it relates to the reader, organization, development, diction, and syntax, as well as additional information to assist with improving writing skills. 

For more information or contact CAP at, or visit the website at

Office of Disability Access

The Office of Disability Access at the HSC is committed to assisting students with disabilities and providing academic accommodations to ensure equal access. The office is responsible for:

  • Receiving and retaining documentation substantiating a need for disability accommodations.
  • Acting as the central referral agency when accommodations are necessary because of specific limitations.
  • Serving as a liaison between students, faculty, and staff to determine the appropriateness of accommodations.

Our goal is to assist in the removal of barriers for students while maintaining the integrity and technical standards of each academic program.

Students who have been admitted to HSC may submit documentation and request academic accommodations. Documentation and requests are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and accommodations are approved on a semester-by-semester basis.

For information regarding applying for services please visit the Office of Disability Access website to schedule an appointment. For information on the Americans with Disabilities policy, visit the policy website.

Center for Student Life

The Center for Student Life supports the mission of the Division of Student and Academic Affairs and HSC. Its role is to address issues that are relative to all HSC students, from pre-enrollment through graduation. This office creates opportunities that engage and support the development of the whole student.

There are six student-elected government councils representing each educational program at the Health Science Center. They are the Medical Student Government Association (MSGA); Student Association of Biomedical Sciences (SABS); Public Health Student Government Association (PHSGA); Physician Assistant Student Association (PASA); Physical Therapy Student Association (PTSA) and the Pharmacy Student Government Association (PSGA).

Student Organizations - There are many student organizations at the Health Science Center campus that represent a variety of interests within the health professions community. In cooperation with the Center for Student Life, these organizations sponsor programs and activities that promote the intellectual, professional, social, physical, and emotional development of all students. Students may engage in leadership opportunities at the local, regional, and national levels through participation in these groups. The Center for Student Life coordinates the student organization registration process and events calendar. 

Institutional Events - The Center for Student Life is responsible for planning and executing all student-based institutional events. These events include the White Coat Ceremony, Commencement Ceremony, and New Student Orientations.

Scheduling Events - Student organizations are required to schedule events, seminars, programs, and lectures through the Center for Student Life. Please contact 817-735-5006 or email for more information.

Office of International Services

The Office of International Services conducts orientation programs for new international students and scholars. The office provides assistance with administrative concerns and advisement on immigration matters. The staff provide referrals to campus and external resources, if requested, and provides our international population with opportunities to participate in programs designed to introduce them to various aspects of U.S. culture and history.

For more information about these services, please contact the Office of International Services at 817-735-2780 or

Career Readiness Center

The Career Readiness Center offers comprehensive resources and advising to assist current and former students in achieving their professional goals. These career development services include:

  • Resume/CV Building
  • Personal Statement and Cover Letter Writing
  • Interviewing and Professional Etiquette Skills
  • Social Media Profile and Portfolio Development
  • Job Fairs and Networking Events
  • Individual and Group Career Exploration and Assessment
  • On-campus Student Employment
  • Career Readiness Microcredentials

For those seeking full-time or part-time employment or internships, the Career Readiness Center maintains the central student and alumni job board through HSC Connect, which also serves as the premier HSC networking and event clearinghouse. HSC students can also specialize their job search through a unique partnership between UNT-Denton and Handshake:

Other services available to assist with job search strategies and the development of Career Readiness skills include several dynamic platforms such as the innovative online practice video interview system, Big Interview, informational video interview catalog, Candid Career, and artificial intelligence-based resume builder, Targeted Resume, as well as special events such as JCPenney Suit-Up for access to low cost professional attire.

For more information, please contact the Career Readiness Center at 817-735-5020 or To set up an appointment or to access career resources, connect with us online at

Office of Care & Civility

The Office of Care and Civility is dedicated to promoting health and wellbeing on the HSC campus through various programming and campus activities. The Office of Care and Civility houses several initiatives including the Care Team, Wellness and Prevention Programming, Student Conduct, and the Be|Well Quality Enhancement Plan. More information can be found at See the listing below for descriptions of activities provided by the Office of Care and Civility.

Care Team - HSC cares about our students’ success, not only academically, but emotionally and physically. The Care Team serves as a collaborative interdisciplinary team to provide early intervention, identification, and response in a non-clinical case management capacity. Individuals can be referred to the Care Team through the Person of Concern reporting form, found at

Wellness and Prevention Programming and Activities - The Office of Care and Civility embraces a holistic and preventative approach to caring for our campus community. We believe educating our students, faculty, and staff on intervention tactics, risk factors, and warning signs can result in a healthier community. The Office of Care and Civility oversees a variety of awareness and prevention activities which include:

  • Stress management programming
  • Wellness Weeks in during the fall and spring semesters
  • Drug and alcohol awareness programming
  • Prevention programming, including Suicide Prevention Week, Mental Illness Awareness Week, and QPR training

More information about programming can be found at

Be|Well - Be|Well is the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) of HSC. Be|well is a curricular and co-curricular experience for HSC students to enhance student wellbeing. Through Be|Well activities within as well as outside the curriculum, students will focus on three student learning outcomes (SLOs):

  1. Students will identify concepts associated with wellbeing, emotional intelligence, and resilience.
  2. Students will create a stress management growth plan as part of the emotional intelligence pathway program.
  3. Students will develop capacities for resilience to support their success in school and future professions.

More information about Be|Well can be found at

Student Assistance Resource Center

The Student Assistance Resource Center (SARC) is focused on developing partnerships, resources, and programs to support students’ needs. The purpose of SARC is to create opportunities to promote learning, ethical decision making, scholarship, and leadership within the student body. SARC provides services and programs to support the development of each student holistically: mind, body, and spirit. Student services are designed to enhance the quality of the students’ learning experience both in and out of the classroom environment. The SARC services include:

  • Fitness Center
  • Care Team
  • Food Pantry
  • Student Emergency Fund
  • Clothes Closet
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Student Assistance Program.

SARC is focused on providing exceptional services available to all students to ensure that students’ basic needs are met. For more information, contact SARC at or visit

Student Complaint Process

The Division of Student and Academic Affairs is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. To file a complaint, please complete the Student Complaint Form electronically. If you choose to provide your contact information, you will be contacted via email to confirm that the formal complaint has been received.

Information about the Student Complaint process as well as the electronic Student Compliant Form can be found at: .

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Student and Academic Affairs at 817-735-2505.