Dec 04, 2024  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Office of the Dean

S. Suresh Madhavan, PhD, Dean

Tina Machu, PhD, RPh, Senior Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, Professor, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Emanuel Geroge, PharmD, Associate Dean for Student Engagement and Alumni Affairs, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Lisa Killam-Worrall, PharmD, BCPS, Associate Dean for Pharmacy Curriculum, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Randy Martin, PharmD, BCCCP, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Annesha White, PharmD, MS, PhD, Associate Dean for Assessment and Accreditation, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Shante Hackworth, EdD, MS, Senior Academic and Business Operations Director

Brenda Sihotang, Senior Executive Assistant

Hazel Spargur, Executive Assistant


Contact Information:


Student Experience and Academic Services (SEAS), and Experiential Education

Russell Coyle, BA, Director, SEAS

Genika Reed, MBA, Senior Program Manager, SEAS

Austin Luna, MPH, Program Manager, SEAS

Julie Herrmann, MPH, Student Navigator, SEAS

Jill Jerrigan, MBA, Student Navigator, SEAS

Thersa Day, RCPhT, PRS, Pharmacy Technician, SEAS

Jennifer Fix, PharmD, MBA, BCPS, Director of Community Experiential Education, Associate Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Meredith Howard,  PharmD, BCPS, Director of Institutional Experiential Education, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy

Cheng Yuet, PharmD, BCACP, Director of Ambulatory Experiential Education, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Pharmacotherapy


Contact Information:

Office of Admissions, Recruitment and Outreach

Antonia Kilpatrick, JD, MA, Admissions Director

Casandra Luna, BBA, Recruitment/Admissions Associate

Jennifer Mearns, BA, Recruitment/Admissions Associate


Contact Information: