Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Catalog 
2013-2014 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PHRM 6360 The Nuclear Receptor Superfamily: Core Principles and Relevance to Physiology and Disease

3 SCH. Members of the Nuclear Receptor Superfamily play a role in a vast array of physiologic processes. Originally discovered as steroid hormone receptors, they are now known to be receptors for such diverse ligands as thyroid hormone and vitamin D. A large number of receptors regulate transcription in the absence of binding hormone, as well, serving as targets of other signaling mechanisms. The course provides an overview of this extensive field. It will include lectures and discussion of structure/functional analysis, mechanisms of action, and examples of diseases associated with nuclear receptor dysfunction. Prerequisites: The GSBS core curriculum. Course is offered in the fall semester, even years.