Feb 17, 2025  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Procedures

Academic policies can be changed at any time by the UNT Health Science Center (UNTHSC) School of Public Health (SPH). Students should review student policies for additional policies and procedures concerning their roles as students.

Academic Standing

Academic Standing of Student Officers

A student in the SPH must be in good academic standing to run for office in any student organization and must remain in good academic standing throughout the term of office, if elected. If a student does not remain in good academic standing (cumulative GPA 3.0) throughout his/her term in office, he/she will be removed from his/her position.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.

Time Limitations

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.

Quality of Work Required

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.

Withdrawal Limit

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.


Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.

Non-Degree Admission of Students

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.

Re-Admission of Former Students

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website.


Appeal/Grievance Process

Specific policies and procedures have been established for students seeking to appeal an admissions decision, grade appeals, or an extension of time to complete a degree. The policies are outlined below:

  1. Appeals concerning admission to the UNTHSC SPH should be addressed to the Dean.
  2. To request an extension of time, a petition in the form of a letter must be submitted to the UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services The student’s academic record and the petition letter is then forwarded to the appropriate department Chair for review and decision.
  3. Information concerning how to pursue appeals on any other matter can be sought from the UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services.

Comprehensive Examination Grade Appeal

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC Policy website. 

Course Assignment Grade Appeal

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC policy website.

Course Grade Appeal 

Policy can be found on the UNTHSC policy website.


Change of Department/Concentration Area

Students who wish to change departments or their area of concentration must submit a new application, statement of professional goals and resume to the UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services. There is a $25 processing fee. The student’s new application and academic file will be forwarded to the chair/faculty of the new department/concentration for review and an admissions decision will be sent to the UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services.

The UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services will then notify the student of the admissions decision. If the student is admitted to the new concentration, the outgoing department will be notified by the UNTHSC SPH-Admission and Academic Services

Degree Plan

Students must adhere to the degree plan that was effective upon admission to the SPH.

Use of Transfer Credit

 Policy can be found on the UNTHSC policy website.



 Policy can be found on the UNTHSC policy website.

Class Attendance

Regular and punctual class attendance is expected. Although, in general, students are graded on intellectual effort and performance, absences may lower the student’s grade where class participation is deemed essential by the faculty member. In those classes where participation is considered as part of the grade, the instructor should give written notice of the requirement at the beginning of the semester. An instructor may request the Registrar to withdraw a student from a course for lack of attendance.

If the instructor-initiated withdrawal falls within the time that the student is eligible to drop with instructor consent, a W will be assigned. If the withdrawal falls after this period, a W or WF will be assigned as appropriate.

Concentrations and similar academic units have authority to establish a concentration-wide or course-wide policy so long as the policy is in accord with the above stipulations.

For information on absence due to religious observances, visit the policy website.

Course Offerings

Individual courses are subject to change or withdrawal at any time and may not be offered each semester of every year. Any course may be cancelled from current offerings if the number of registrants is too small to justify conducting the course.

Definition of a Credit Hour

A credit hour is the unit by which an institution measures its course work. The amount of credit hours awarded for a course is based upon the instructional time and the type of course. Instructional time is measured in “contact hours,” which is defined as the time in which the student is involved in direct educational contact with the faculty member(s) teaching a particular course.

According to rules outlined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), a traditional course in a fall or spring semester is defined as containing 15 weeks of instruction plus a week for final examinations. The UNTHSC-SPH adheres to the THECB formula of 15 contact hours for each semester credit hour (SCH) and, thus, 45 contact hours for a three semester credit hour (3 SCH) course. (1 SCH=1 contact hour = 50 minute session).

Repeating Courses

Policy can be found at the UNTHSC policy website.

Culminating Experience

Administration of Comprehensive Examinations


Beginning Fall 2012, all incoming students in Behavioral and Community Health, Biostatistics, Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, Epidemiology, and Health Management and Policy must take the Certified in Public Health examination (CPH Exam) and the concentration comprehensive examination to meet graduation requirements. MPH Professional Option students must take the Certified in Public Health examination (CPH Exam) and the Professional Option Capstone Course (PHED 5302).

Certified in Public Health Examination- All students must receive permission to enroll in the 0 SCH course. Specific requirements are listed on the SPH website. 

Concentration Comprehensive Examination- The MPH comprehensive examination is administered twice each academic year: once in the fall and once in the spring.

Students are required to enroll in the appropriate 0 semester credit hour course (BACH 5001 , BIOS 5001 , EOHS 5001 , EPID 5001 , HMAP 5001 ) in the semester in which they intend to take the comprehensive examination. Students will receive a permission number from the departmental Comprehensive Exam Coordinator to enroll in the course.


Students are required to enroll in PHED 6002, when they are ready to take the Integrated Competency Examination (ICE) which is the doctoral comprehensive examination experience. Students who do not pass ICE on the first attempt will be referred to the DrPH program committee for appropriate remediation or modification to the curriculum plan. ICE is offered a minimum of once a year. Students have two attempts to successfully pass the ICE. DrPH students are also required to pass the Certified in Public Health (CPH Exam) to meet graduation requirements.


Students are required to enroll in the concentration specific comprehensive examination course (BACH 6000 , BIOS 6000 , EOHS 6000 , EPID 6000 , HMAP 6000 ) to indicate they are ready to take the comprehensive examination. The PhD comprehensive examination is offered at least once per year. Students have two attempts to successfully pass the concentration specific comprehensive examination.


Concurrent Enrollment at Another Institution

Policy can be found at the UNTHSC policy website.

Enrollment of Continuing Students

 Policy can be found at the UNTHSC policy website.

Full-time Enrollment

A student must enroll for nine semester hours for the fall or spring semester to be considered full-time for that semester. Enrollment in a total of six semester hours is considered full-time for the summer.

When a student is enrolled in a doctoral dissertation or residency, a master’s practice experience, internship or thesis, the student will be considered full-time if enrolled in 1.5 credit hours of practice experience or 3 semester credit hours of doctoral dissertation or residency, internship, or thesis.

Students are responsible for meeting enrollment requirements for federal or state financial aid purposes.

Leave of Absence

 Policy can be found at the UNTHSC policy website.


Assigning an Incomplete Grade

An incomplete grade is permissible when the student cannot complete all course requirements due to circumstances beyond their control. The incomplete work is usually restricted to end-of-semester requirements identified in the course syllabus, such as taking an exam and/or completing a paper. The incomplete grade will not be assigned to allow for extra-credit work to be submitted after the end of a semester. The incomplete grade should not be used when circumstances dictate the assignment of a “W,” “WF,” or an “F.”

A grade of “I” cannot be submitted until after the faculty member and the student agree upon specific requirements and obtain approval from the Department Chair. The grade of incomplete converts to an “F” if the incomplete work is not completed by the date identified in the contract.

Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades of A, B, C, F, and WF and associated semester credit hours will be used to calculate grade point averages. The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester credit hours attempted. The number of semester hours attempted includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, F, and WF unless replaced by a later grade. Grades of I, NP, P, S, U, W, PR, or Z are not counted as courses attempted. All GPA calculations are subject to post audit and correction by the Registrar’s Office.

Grading System

All academic grades will appear on the student’s official UNTHSC transcript as follows:

  • A - 4 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • B - 3 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • C - 2 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • F - 0 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • WF - Withdraw Failing; 0 grade points

Designations and other symbols that do not earn grade points and are not used for the calculation of grade point averages are as follows:

  • P/NP Pass/No Pass
  • S/U Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  • W Withdrawal
  • I Incomplete
  • PR In Progress
  • Z Grade not recorded

Incomplete Grades

If a student, because of extenuating circumstances, is unable to complete all of the requirements for a course by the end of the term, the instructor may assign an incomplete (I) for the course. The student must arrange with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specified requirements. These requirements must be entered on the grade roster by the instructor.

Incomplete grades must be changed to a permanent grade before the end of the grading period for the next term, or the grade will be automatically changed to an “F”.

Removal of an Incomplete Grade

A student must remove a grade of “Incomplete” by the last day of the subsequent semester in which the incomplete grade was obtained; no extensions will be granted. (Spring incompletes must be finalized by the end of the fall semester, summer incompletes must be finalized by the end of the fall semester, and fall incompletes must be removed by the end of the spring semester). If, at the end of the following semester, the incomplete grade has not been removed, a grade of “F” will be recorded.

An “Incomplete” is removed by completing the stipulated work and obtaining the appropriate signatures (on a Removal of Incomplete Grade/Change of Grade form available from the Admissions Office). The instructor then files the form with the Admissions Office so that the grade and the GPA can be adjusted accordingly. If a student does not complete the stipulated work within the time specified, a grade of “F” will be recorded and the student’s GPA will be adjusted accordingly.


Application for the Completion of the Degree

 Policy can be found at the UNTHSC website.

Participation in Commencement Exercises

 Students who have completed all graduation requirements or who only have 3 SCH remaining in the summer semester and are in good academic standing may participate in commencement exercises.