Feb 17, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course & Grading System

Course Numbering

The course numbering system consists of a four-letter discipline abbreviation followed by a four-digit number. The first digit identifies the course level. The second digit generally identifies the semester credit hour value of the course. The last two digits are the distinguishing numbers of the course within the discipline.

  • 1000 - undergraduate freshmen level courses
  • 2000 - undergraduate sophomore level courses
  • 3000 - undergraduate junior level courses
  • 4000 - undergraduate senior level courses
  • 5000 - master’s level courses
  • 6000 - doctoral level courses
  • 7000 - doctoral professional and medical didactic courses
  • 8000 - medical clerkship core courses
  • 9000 - medical clerkship elective courses

Grading System

All academic grades will appear on the student’s official University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth (HSC) transcript as follows:

  • A - 4 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • B - 3 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • C - 2 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • D - 1 grade point for each semester credit hour
  • F - 0 grade points for each semester credit hour
  • WF - Withdraw Failing; 0 grade points

Designations and other symbols that do not earn grade points and are not used for the calculation of grade point averages are as follows:

  • P/NP - Pass/No Pass
  • H/P/F - Honors/Pass/Fail
  • S/U - Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  • W - Withdrawal
  • I - Incomplete
  • PR - In Progress
  • Z - Grade not recorded

Calculation of Grade Point Average

Grades of A, B, C, D, F, and WF and associated semester credit hours will be used to calculate grade point averages. The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of semester credit hours attempted. The number of semester hours attempted includes all courses with grades of A, B, C, D, F, and WF unless replaced by a later grade. Grades of H, I, NP, P, S, U, W, PR, or Z are not counted as courses attempted in calculating the GPA. All GPA calculations are subject to post audit and correction by the Registrar and Student Records Office.

Residence Credit Hour Requirements

For all degrees awarded, and in accordance with accreditation guidelines under the Southern Association of College and Schools (SACSCOC), a minimum of 25% of the baccalaureate coursework and a minimum of 33% of graduate coursework must be taken at the Health Science Center (HSC) to receive a degree from the institution. The minimum applies to all baccalaureate coursework including courses taken the first two years of college. For example, a degree that requires a total of 120 semester credit hours calls for 30 semester credit hours to be earned via official coursework at the Health Science Center, versus alternate methods of earning credit at the Health Science Center. 

The total number of semester credit hours awarded for credit may vary depending upon the student’s program of study; however, the total credit awarded (including transfer credits) cannot exceed 75% of the total credits required for the student’s declared program of study for a baccalaureate degree. At least 25% of the total credit hours in a student’s degree plan must be earned through regular semester credit hour instruction at HSC. This applies to the graduate or post-baccalaureate professional degrees as well, transfer credit cannot exceed 67% of the total credits for the declared program of study.

Credit granted will be reflected on the student’s official transcript in bulk or associated with a specific course number from the Health Science Center.


Registration is coordinated by the Registrar and Student Records Office in cooperation with the school in which the student enrolls. Students should review their school-specific academic calendar for more information about registration dates. All students are required to login to MyHSC Student Center (http://my.hsc.unt.edu) to review their course schedule, make payment, and review holds that may prevent registration. All cohort program students in the Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine, School of Health Professions, UNT System College of Pharmacy, School of Biomedical Sciences and School of Public Health will be preregistered by the Registrar and Student Records Office each term. Undergraduate and traditional graduate students in the School of Biomedical Sciences and online students in the School of Public Health are required to register online. Information on how to register is provided in the first term of enrollment and is available on the Registrar and Student Records Office website, https://www.unthsc.edu/registrar/.   

Adding and Dropping Courses

“Adding” and “Dropping” refers to the established procedure by which students add or drop one or more courses prior to the census date, but remain enrolled for the term. Students adding or dropping may be subject to additional tuition and fees or may be eligible for a refund. Additional fee assessments are due and payable when the change is executed. If the student is on a valid installment plan, the installment plan charges are adjusted accordingly. When a student drops a course, the course will not appear on the student’s permanent record. Students should review their school’s academic calendar for specific dates related to adding and dropping courses.

Full-time Enrollment/Classification of Students

Students admitted to SBS, SPH, SHP or SCP are classified as undergraduate or graduate students.

Undergraduate students must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 or more credit hours to be classified as full-time. The maximum course load for an undergraduate student in the fall/spring term is 16 credit hours and 8 credit hours in the summer. Only in exceptional circumstances, and only with approval of the college dean, will students be allowed to exceed the stated course load limitations. In any regular semester or summer term during which a student is enrolled at HSC; the course load limitations apply to work attempted, whether at HSC or elsewhere.

Fall / Spring / Summer Semester Enrollment Verification Guidelines
Student Type Full Time Three Quarter Time Half Time Less Than Half Time
Undergraduate 12 or more hours 9-11 hours 6-8 hours 5 or fewer hours

A graduate student must be officially enrolled for a minimum of 9 semester credit hours in the fall or spring term or 6 semester credit hours in a summer term to be classified as full-time. A graduate student enrolled for less than 9 semester credit hours for the fall or spring or 6 semester credit hours for the summer is classified as part-time. The maximum course load for a graduate student is 15 semester credit hours. Students registering for more than this maximum course load must have the consent of their advisor. Certain exceptions are made to the minimum and maximum enrollment rules based on the program requirements of each school, and information about these exceptions can be found in the program-specific sections of this catalog.

Enrollment Verification

Enrollment certification/verifications are completed by the Registrar and Student Records Office. Enrollment certifications can only be provided for a term after the official census date.

Course Cancellations

The university reserves the right to cancel a scheduled course upon evidence of inadequate enrollment.

Course Duplications

Course duplication and grade replacement policies can be found in the program-specific sections of this catalog.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Policies regarding academic probation and suspension can be found in the program-specific sections of this catalog.

Grade Changes

No grade except “I” can be removed from a student’s record once properly recorded. Changes are not permitted after grades have been filed except to correct clerical errors.

Requests for error correction must be initiated within 30 days after the close of the semester for which the grade was recorded.

An instructor who believes that an error has been made in calculating or recording a grade may submit a request for grade change to the discipline chair and the dean using a Request for Change of Grade/Removal of Incomplete form available from the Registrar and Student Records Office. For more information see policy number 7.103 within the policy website at https://www.unthsc.edu/administrative/institutional-compliance-office/unt-health-science-center-policies/.

Grade Reports

The electronic grade report and academic standing are available online through MyHSC Student Center (http://my.hsc.unt.edu/) at the close of each term. If the grade report or the academic standing is believed to be in error, the student should contact the Registrar and Student Records Office within 30 days following the first class of the subsequent term.

Incomplete Grades

If a student, because of extenuating circumstances, is unable to complete all of the requirements for a course by the end of the term, the instructor may assign an incomplete (I) for the course. The student must arrange with the instructor to finish the course at a later date by completing specified requirements. These requirements must be entered on the grade roster by the instructor.

Incomplete grades must be changed to a permanent grade before the end of the grading period for the term designated by school administration, or the grade will be automatically changed to an F.

Leave of Absence

Students are required to complete the “Leave of Absence” form in the Registrar and Student Records Office. If the student is currently enrolled at the time the approved Leave of Absence is submitted to the Registrar and Student Records Office, they will be dropped from classes. Students should review their school’s section within this catalog for more information about leave of absence procedures.

Official Communications

University assigned e-mail is considered the primary means of communication for our campus; therefore, students are expected to read their university e-mail messages regularly. All new students are assigned a university e-mail account at orientation. HSC e-mail is a secure portal that can only be accessed by the student. Students who do not check their university e-mail accounts regularly are at risk of missing vital information relative to their academic programs.

Although e-mail is the primary method of communicating information to students, mail may also be received at the campus mailing address. Any communication from a HSC office should be considered important and given immediate attention. In addition, news, events and announcements of interest to students may be posted on the institution’s website.

Public Information Act

The university has established policies relating to the accessibility of student education records in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth’s (HSC) FERPA policy statement appears in its entirety in the HSC Policy Manual, policy number 7.102. Information not covered by FERPA will be released only in accordance with policy on public information found in policy 5.113 of the HSC Policy Manual. Requests for public information must be made in writing at https://www.untsystem.edu/public-information-requests. 


Policies and regulations are explained and available on the HSC Policy website. All policies are subject to change throughout the year.

Student Grievances

Academic Issues

A student seeking to resolve any academic problem or complaint, other than for misconduct as provided by the Student Code of Conduct and Civility, will first seek a solution through the appropriate office on campus designated to address the particular student academic concern, i.e. the student’s academic department. Students are encouraged to review their academic department’s policy for academic grievances.

Conduct Issues

A student seeking to resolve any issue involving misconduct as provided for in the Student Code of Conduct and Civility at https://www.unthsc.edu/administrative/institutional-compliance-office/unt-health-science-center-policies/ should follow procedures outlined in said code.

Other Issues

A student seeking to resolve any problem or complaint other than for misconduct as provided by the Student Code of Conduct and Civility at https://www.unthsc.edu/administrative/institutional-compliance-office/unt-health-science-center-policies/ or an academic issue, will normally seek resolution through the appropriate office on campus designated to address the particular student concern. Examples include: issues involving matters of sexual harassment, discrimination, disability, employment or mistreatment fall under institutional policies which are handling by specific offices such as Human Resource Services, Equal Employment Opportunity Office, or the Title IX Coordinator.

Enrollment Status During Appeal of Expulsion, Suspension, or Administrative Withdrawal

A student who has filed an official appeal of a sanction of expulsion, suspension, or administrative withdrawal, may request to remain in classes, clinical clerkship rotations, and/or internships during the period of appeal until or unless one or more of the following circumstances is determined by the Senior Student Affairs Officer (non-academic issues) or the Dean (academic issues) of the respective school in which the student was enrolled:

  1. The appeal has not been made according to officially recognized procedures for appealing an expulsion, suspension, or administrative withdrawal decision.
  2. The presence of the student in classes, clinical rotation, or internship constitutes a disruptive influence to the educational process or to patient care activities.
  3. The presence of the student potentially presents a threat or harm to the health, safety or welfare of patients, students or anyone associated with the educational process.

For more information on this policy, visit https://www.unthsc.edu/administrative/institutional-compliance-office/unt-health-science-center-policies/

Summons/Notice of Complaint

In the event a student’s conduct or behavior is alleged to be in violation of a published policy or regulation, a summons may be issued. This is an official request that the student appear before an administrator. It is always important and must have the student’s immediate attention. Failure to answer/appear may result in disciplinary action.


Students should receive a syllabus no later than the second class meeting of any course. Syllabi will not be distributed for courses in laboratory techniques, individual research, internship practicum, thesis, or dissertation. All other courses must provide students with syllabi that include the following information as appropriate to the course: required texts, examination dates, lecture topics and assignments for each class meeting, attendance policy, course objectives, explanation of how grades will be determined, and information on contacting the instructor or course director.

Temporary Visa Holders

Students holding temporary visas are responsible for maintaining status with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS). All visa restrictions and regulations regarding enrollment, employment and visa renewal must be followed exactly as determined by USCIS. For assistance with visa issues, please contact the International Services Office at 817-735-2780 or international@unthsc.edu.

Withdrawal from the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth

A student may withdraw from HSC at any time prior to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar by making a request in the Registrar and Student Records Office. The student must complete the Withdrawal Clearance form. For withdrawals processed by the relevant deadline, the grade of W is recorded for each course in which a withdrawn student was enrolled. After this date a withdrawn student receives a grade of W only for those courses in which he/she was passing at the time of withdrawal; otherwise, the grade of WF is recorded. Official dates and deadlines for withdrawing are specified in each school’s academic calendar.

Note: Students receiving financial aid also must contact the Office of Financial Aid before dropping a class or withdrawing. Students receiving financial aid may be required to go through an exit interview with a financial aid counselor before they are permitted to withdraw.

Withdrawal for Active Military Service

If a student withdraws because of a call to active military service, the university, at the student’s option, shall:

  1. Refund the tuition and fees paid by the student for the term in which the student withdraws;
  2. Grant a student, who is eligible, under the institution’s guidelines, an incomplete grade in all courses by designating “withdrawn-military” on the student’s transcript; or
  3. As determined by the instructor, assign an appropriate final grade or credit to a student who has satisfactorily completed a substantial amount of coursework and who has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the course material.