Mar 31, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Catalog Addendum

Graduate Certificate in Healthcare Management  

Effective August 3, 2020

New program in the School of Public Health.


TCOM Examination and Quiz Administration Procedure

Effective September 24, 2020

Examinations and quizzes will be given at the time and date established by the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or his/her designee.

  • Students must be seated in their designated seats prior to the published examination or quiz time. For a remote exam/quiz, the start time is the published start time from Testing and Evaluation Services (TES) and those students who start after the designated late time will be subject to penalties outlined below. Additionally, students must upload the assessment by the time outlined in the assessment instructions.
  • Testing and Evaluation Services shall be responsible for identifying those students late for seating/starting an assessment. Testing and Evaluation Services shall report all late students to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or his/her designee immediately following the examination.
  • Students who arrive late to an examination will receive no additional time to take the examination. They will be required to stop taking the examination at the published stop time.
  • For the first late arrival/late upload for a pre-clinical curriculum examination/quiz in a semester, a student will lose 10% of the total number of raw points on the exam/quiz. If this adjustment happens to contribute to a course grade that falls below the pass/fail cut score for the course, the student’s grade may be adjusted to the passing cut score. The Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or his/her designee reserves the right to excuse the 10% penalty.
  • For the second late arrival/late upload for a pre-clinical curriculum examination/quiz in a semester, a student will lose 20% of the total number of raw points on the exam/quiz. If this adjustment happens to contribute to a course grade that falls below the pass/fail cut score for the course, the student’s grade may be adjusted to the passing cut score. The Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or his/her designee reserves the right to excuse the 20% penalty.
  • For the third and subsequent late arrival/late upload for a pre-clinical curriculum examination/quiz in a semester, a student will lose 30% of the total number of raw points on the exam/quiz. If this adjustment happens to contribute to a course grade that falls below the pass/fail cut score for the course, the student’s grade may be adjusted to the passing cut score. The Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or his/her designee reserves the right to excuse the 30% penalty.
  • Students who receive testing accommodations will have an examination start and stop time determined by the Center for Academic Performance (CAP), this will also apply to quizzes when they are administered by CAP.
  • Other violations of testing procedures/instructions may be subject to the same penalty point process outlined for late arrival/uploads.
  • Late/missed examination procedures during clinical clerkships will be outlined in the clerkship syllabi.
  • Students who are tardy to multiple mandatory exams and/or quizzes may be reported for professionalism concerns to the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or his/her designee.
  • Students found out of compliance with this procedure may be subject to disciplinary action including loss of examination points. Students should consult the course syllabus and individual test instructions for additional information related to specific assessments.


  • Examination Start Time “Examination start time” means the published time. For example, if the start time of 8:00 AM is published and the examination is delayed by proctors’ procedures until 8:10 AM, a student is penalized if he/she is seated after 8:00 AM.


Disclosure - PharmD Graduates and Licensure  

Effective December 11, 2020

  1. To practice pharmacy, a person who graduates with a PharmD degree must also pass pharmacy licensing board examinations of the state(s) in which they want to practice and become a registered pharmacist.
  2. All pharmacy licensure boards recognize the Doctor of Pharmacy Degree from an Accreditation Council of Pharmacy Education (ACPE) accredited College of Pharmacy as fulfilling the academic requirements for pharmacist licensure. The ACPE maintains national accreditation standards for Colleges of Pharmacy.   The University of North Texas System College of Pharmacy is an ACPE accredited College of Pharmacy.
  3. All pharmacy licensure boards recognize the North American Pharmacy Licensure Exam (NAPLEX) as a standardized licensure exam for pharmacist licensure.  Additionally, each state may have different licensure requirements including a state specific pharmacy law exam (refer to each state’s board of pharmacy website for state specific information).  Forty-nine pharmacy licensure boards require passing the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE) as component of licensure.  Arkansas, California, Idaho, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands do not utilize the MPJE for their law examination.

TCOM Course Additions

Effective February 2, 2021 

Further information on the courses listed below can be found in the Course Description section of the catalog. 

Added MEDE 9203 Added MEDE 9217
Added MEDE 9201 Added MEDE 9227
Added MEDE 9202 Added MEDE 9234
Added MEDE 9204 Added MEDE 9236
Added MEDE 9211 Added MEDE 9237
Added MEDE 9212 Added MEDE 9240
Added MEDE 9213 Added MEDE 9259
Added MEDE 9214 Added MEDE 9276